Friday, April 6, 2012


At the corner of my eye, I  see
our trembling hands held together
for the first time.

But our desires prevailed
and like just freed angels, we
zoomed up to the sky.

We played in the garden of heaven
and as we got tired, you
gathered ripened stars
offered me a bite and I did the same.

Now , you're beginning to let go of my hand
and the depth of loneliness
is pulling me down.
remember you're the strength of my wings
but if you let me fall
I'll close my eyes sadly
and succumb to the darkness
of the cold space.

What caused this riddance
is it because you're in spring
and I'm in fall?
If we were in the same season
would you still abandon me
like now?
why  have you propagated a feeling
from this strong heart
transplanted it to grow in the  greenness
of your time?

I say this to you:

even the wind
the moon
the stars
and the dew agree with this reality
with all my heart
I fall and decompose
to join the comfort of the soil
fertilizing your budding youth.

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